Animal Control
The Animal Services Unit is part of the Support Services Division at Long View Police Department. Animal Services is given the task of handling all Animal Control complaints within the Town. The Animal Control laws are primarily to protect citizens, and their pets from injury and help maintain a quality level of life for both. An Animal Control Officer attempts, whenever possible, to find homes and owners for stray dogs or cats and works with the Catawba County Animal Shelter and Burke County Animal Services, who aid in the adoption process.
Animal Control issues can be reported by contacting The Long View Police Department at (828)327-2343.
If you have questions or concerns you may email Animal Services at Please be aware that the email account is not monitored 24/7. If you need a quicker response, please call the phone number above.
Police Department: (828) 327-2343 | Fax: (828) 578-6703
Address: 2404 1st Ave SW | Hickory, NC 28602
Animal Control: (828) 327-2343